




Cholinga chachikulu cha otenthetsa amadzimadzi a IV ndikuti madzi ofunda kuti azikhala pafupi ndi kutentha kwa thupi kapena pang'ono pompopompo hypothermia chifukwa cholowetsedwa ndi kulowetsedwa kwa madzi ozizira. Zoopsa zomwe zimagwirizanitsidwa ndi zosunga kutentha zimaphatikizapo mpweya wa embolism, kuwononga hemolysis ndi kuvulala kwamiyendo, kuwonongeka kwapakati, matenda, komanso kulowererapo


A fluid warmer is also absolutely indicated for the rapid infusion of cold blood products, due to the risks of cardiac arrest and arrhythmia (especially when the sinoatrial node is cooled to less than 30° C). Mtsogoleri wa mtima wawonetsedwa ngati akuluakulu amalandila magazi kapena ma plasma ku misika yambiri kuposa 100 ml / mphindi kuti ayendetsedwe kwakanthawi ngati kuti kuthiridwa kumaperekedwa kwa dokotala.



Heating of IV fluids can be accomplished by dry heat exchange, countercurrent heat exchangers, fluid immersion, or (less effectively) by placing part of the fluid circuit in the proximity of a separate heater (such as a forced-air device or heated water mattress ).

Post Nthawi: Jan-17-2025